Aaron Rodgers isn't on good terms with the Green Bay Packers right now, but it's definitely not the first time he's been upset about something involving the team. 

During a recent interview on the The Flying Coach podcast, Matt LaFleur shared an interesting story about a time during the 2020 season when his quarterback angrily exploded on him after the Packers coach made a bad call on the field. 

The drama went down during the third quarter of a Week 2 game against the Lions that the Packers were leading 31-14. At that point in the game, the Packers were facing a third-and-10 from Detroit's 17-yard line and LaFleur started to get a little nervous when he saw the play clock running down. 

"I'm always watching the [play] clock and I'm watching it go down, and I think we had a motion on the play and they're in an all-out pressure look," LaFleur said. "I'm looking at the clock and it's at five seconds and [Rodgers is] still talking to the tight end." 

With the play clock winding down, LaFleur didn't want to lose five yards for a delay of game, so he called a timeout and let's just say, Rodgers was not happy with that decision. 

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"I didn't think he was going to get it done so I popped the timeout before he could get the [snap] off," LaFleur said. "He got everything done. He got the ball snapped and it was a premiere look that was going to be a little dump-off to our tight end that was going to be wide open. I'll never forget. He ripped my ass, man."

The good news for LaFleur is that this was an isolated incident and he now seems to be on good terms with his quarterback. As a matter of fact, during a recent interview, Rodgers made it clear that his current beef is with the Packers' front office and that he's on good terms with everyone else, including LaFleur. 

"I love the coaching staff, love my teammates, love the fan base in Green Bay," Rodgers said on May 24. "It's been an incredible 16 years."

After going 13-3 in each of the past two seasons, it's not going to be easy for LaFleur to hit that win total again, especially if he loses Rodgers, and right now, that's starting to feel like how things are going to play out in Green Bay. 

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As for that play in Detroit, you can see how it all unfolded below.