Catanzaro is now working for the WWE. YouTube

Kacy Catanzaro is making the move from ninja warrior to pro wrestler. A fan favorite on "American Ninja Warrior" since first appearing on the popular NBC show, Catanzaro is taking her skills to the WWE after signing a pro contract following months of training for her wrestling debut. 

The former Division I college gymnast at Towson said she knows that pro wrestling requires a completely different type of physicality than what she normally does, but the first woman to scale the Warped Wall is ready for the challenge.

"There's definitey not anything like WWE, just from what I've experience so far," she said in a recent promotional video. "But I think a lot of the things from my background, from gymnastics, and from obstacle course racing, the physical, and the mental, the speed, agility, strength. All of that. Plus being able to mentally prepare for that, going in front of a lot of people and be on point that second that you have to. I feel that all of that could be a really big advantage for me coming into the WWE."  

She knows that it won't be an easy transition. "I've only been here for two days," Catanzaro said, during a break from working out in a WWE practice ring.. "And it's definitely a lot different than people think . . . [fans] have no idea what it's actually like. Coming in I knew that it would be really challenging -- and I'm definitely hurting -- but that good kind of sore, excited hurt."

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The video includes Catanzaro's full interview, along with a showcase of some of what she's doing in practice. Catanzaro also showed excitement over the increased visibility of women in both the WWE and "American Ninja Warrior." With how popular and athletic she is, there's little question as to whether Catanzaro will do well in the ring. And there's even less of a question as to whether she'll be a star.