The sentiment has been heavy following the passing of Muhammad Ali late Friday night at the age of 74.

Let's put it aside for just a moment because while Ali was a civil rights activist, humanitarian, philanthropist and hero to so many across the globe, it all sprouted from his world-class boxing. And more than anything else, what helped Ali dominate the world stage was just not his dominant presence and incredible athletic ability but also his silver tongue.

Ali was blessed with the gift of gab. His trash talking and fight promotion was unmatched then and still stands on its own nearly 40 years since his retirement from active competition.

Ali's trash talk served multiple purposes. It got under his opponents' skin. It rallied the media to his side. It earned him legions of fans. And most importantly, it sold tickets. Most loved him, many hated him, but they all paid to see him.

He spoke so much and so often that it's almost impossible to compile every one of his emphatic poems, tremendous one-liners and funny quips. But here are two videos you can watch that can at least serve as an appetizer whether you're just becoming acquainted with Ali or are looking to soak in as much as you can about 'The Greatest' after his passing.

Muhammad Ali had a way with words. Getty Images