Bill Cubit had every reason to be upset with the officiating crew on Saturday. (USATSI)

Referees make mistakes all the time. It's just a part of the game, and all you can do is hope that the mistake doesn't change the outcome.

But there are different levels of mistakes, and the Big Ten refs in Champaign for the game between Illinois and Nebraska made a big-time flub on Saturday.

During the third quarter, while trailing 10-0, Illinois was driving in Nebraska territory. Facing a third down, the Illini ran a play that came up just a bit short of the first-down marker, and that's when things got crazy.

You see, it wasn't third down. It was fourth down. 

The refs working the chains along the sideline, however, did not know that. And because they didn't know, the rest of the crew and the coaching staffs on both sides didn't know, either.

After going to a review, the referees realized their error, but it was too late for Illinois. Since the Illini came up short on what they thought was a third down attempt, the refs just said it was fourth down and that Illinois had turned the ball over on downs.

As you'd expect, Illinois coach Bill Cubit was upset about the decision, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The Big Ten Conference can, though, and you have to think the crew working the game will be reprimanded for their error this week. And they should be. If you miss a hold, or a pass interference, that's understandable.

But to completely lose track of downs in a game? That's just unacceptable.