Every Monday, Eye on College Football's Tom Fornelli looks back at 10 things that stood out to him over the college football weekend -- everything from the awesome to the just plain stupid. Mostly stupid.

There was so much that happened over the weekend. It was supposed to be a boring slate of games, without any major matchups, and it was. But like so many stories that have been told in the past, sometimes that ugly duckling turns out to be a beautiful swan.

Saturday suddenly took off its glasses, let its hair down, and it was suddenly a knockout.

We saw two unbeatens go down in Utah and Florida State, with the Seminoles falling in incredible fashion. So of course we're going to start this week's These 10 Things with...Missouri?

Yes, Missouri.

1. Fascinating Fun Facts About Missouri Football: Missouri lost to Vanderbilt 10-3 on Saturday. Missouri may be new to the SEC, but trust me, it already knows that losing to Vanderbilt is basically one of the most embarrassing things you can do as an SEC school. As bad as Tigers fans feel, however, we can always make them feel better by pointing out the good news.

And the good news is, October is over for the Tigers. Why is this good news? Well, did you watch Missouri this month? Here are some fun facts about the Tigers during the month.

Wow, those are fun facts! There's another fun fact, though, that's related to that MLB playoffs fact. 

The Kansas City Royals are a big story in the state of Missouri, as they're about to take on the New York Mets in the World Series. In order to get there, Kansas City had to beat the Toronto Blue Jays in the ALCS, and they did. And in those six games against the Blue Jays, the Royals managed to score 38 runs.

In their four games during the month of October, Missouri scored 36 points. And 24 of them came in a win against South Carolina.

Doesn't that make you feel better, Missouri?

Gary Pinkel is not amused. (USATSI)

Wow, tough crowd.

2. Stanford Is Big And Mean : At the end of the season, we're all going to look back at Stanford's 16-6 loss to Northwestern to open the season and wonder "what the hell happened there?" Well, it's pretty simple. It was the first game of the season, and it was played at 11 a.m. local time...or 9 a.m. Stanford time. 

Never discount the body clock.

Anyway, things have turned around since then, and Stanford is currently one of those teams that you just don't want to play right now. It's big, it's mean, and it has no desire to be any other way.

Just look at this formation. I call it The Illuminati Formation.

Here we are. Try and stop us. (ESPN)

There's no secrecy here. Stanford is just letting you know exactly what it's going to do to you here: it's going to beat you. There isn't going to be any play-action or deception. We're going to turn around, give the ball to somebody behind nine blockers, and run over you. 

And here's an example of what happens when Stanford does what Stanford does. Watch No. 51 Joshua Garnett. He's about to ruin some days.

I love the innovations we've seen in offenses the last few years. It makes the game more interesting, but at the end of the day, give me a team just physically dominating somebody else. That's always going to be my favorite game plan.

3. We Aren't Done With Amazing Blocks: I love blocks. Blocks are what make the world turn. Or maybe it's inertia, I don't know, I haven't been in a classroom in a long time. But I love blocks.

And I love Laquon Treadwell, because he's not just one of the best receivers in the country, he's a great run-blocker too. A wide receiver that really blocks on runs is a valuable piece to have, and this is one of the reasons Treadwell is going to have an NFL job for years to come.

Ooooh it feels so good.

4. Let's Check In On The Situation At Auburn: The Tigers lost to Arkansas this weekend, and are now your front runners for last place in the SEC West. Let's check in on how things are going down on the Pla...oh no!

The Barn is on fire! Gus! The barn is on fire, Gus!

Have Auburn message boards started any "Gus hasn't won without Chizik's or Richt's players" threads yet? 

5. Sometimes You're Just Tired: We've all been there. Sitting at home, watching a game on the couch, and the next thing you know, it's three hours later and the game is over. It's just, there's a difference between it happening in the comfort of your own home, and in the press box of a game between Penn State and Maryland.

This reminds me of a story.

Remember back in college, when somebody would pass out at a party, and other people would write and draw on their face with a Sharpie? Well, luckily for this unnamed member of the media, that doesn't happen in press boxes.

But it did happen with some of my friends.

There was this kid who was a friend of one of my friends. I won't name him, but they called him "Aviators" because he literally wore his aviator sunglasses everywhere. He'd wear those things to the bar at night, and keep them on inside the bar. Well, one Saturday morning I went to my friend's apartment. When I got there, I noticed "Aviators" passed out on the couch.

He'd had a really good time the night before, and fallen into a deep sleep. And then I noticed he wasn't wearing his sunglasses, but that instead, my friend, and his roommates, had taken some Sharpie markers and drawn aviator sunglasses on his face. Not just the outline of some glasses. They colored in the lenses

He had two giant black circles on his face, like some kind of panda bear. It was the meanest, and funniest thing I'd ever seen to that point in my life.

Needless to say, he had to wear his sunglasses over his sunglasses for a while, because it took some time to wash that off.

Also, another fun fact about this story. There's a reason I don't even want to tell you Aviator's first name. He's currently a State Senator.

6. Speaking Of Bad Decisions: You woke up and intentionally put this on to go watch a football game.

This is what happens when you allow children to dress themselves. (ESPN)

7. Sideline Mics At Northwestern Games Need Dump Buttons: Because Pat Fitzgerald gets angry from time to time, and when he does, the naughty words fly (NSFW language).

Unfortunately the microphones cut off before Pat yelled "Go Cats" at the end of his tantrum.

8. I Don't Know What Play This Is: But Clemson defensive coordinator Brent Venables needs to call it more often, because it's amazing.

And it also seems to be rather effective when you consider the Tigers shut out Miami 58-0. RIP Al Golden's job.

9. This Week In Sad Tennessee Fans: Because it wouldn't be These 10 Things without sad Tennessee fans.

Poor, Peyton. 

Seriously, no fan base wears the pain of a close loss on its face like Tennessee's. It's what Tennessee football is known for these days.

10. Let's Relive "Block Six" In Photo Form: You've seen the video of Georgia Tech's incredible win against Florida State numerous times by now. Instead of watching the video one more time, though, let's relive the entire play in nothing but still photos.

They tell the story just as well.

All photos courtesy of USA Today Sports Images

Until next week!