Ah, Opening Day! What a time to be alive. After a long, cold offseason, the mitts are poppin', the bats are crackin' and the fans are ... debating about whether a mascot's mouth is open or closed? America's pastime, baby!
As is the case with most very dumb things these days, it all started with a tweet. On the eve of baseball's Opening Day, one fan asked a simple question.
Does the Orioles logo have a closed-mouth grin or is his mouth open? pic.twitter.com/cCMnjvs2Cu
— Dave (@gggiants) March 28, 2018
Chances are you've never thought about this question before, probably because the answer seems rather obvious. It's a closed-mouth grin, right? Or maybe you just haven't been looking closely enough.
Pretend his beak ends at the half moon at the end of his grin, and the black portion underneath is his open jaw pic.twitter.com/V8uaQCqacq
— Dave (@gggiants) March 28, 2018
This theory apparently struck a chord with several open-mouth truthers. For some, it was a mind-blowing revelation.
I would’ve never thought twice about it before and now I can’t see how anybody can still say with certainty that it’s a closed grin. I’m sure #BaseballTwitter can get to the bottom of this
— Nick Devincenzi (@ndevo6) March 29, 2018
Can’t. Unsee. It. pic.twitter.com/Y6tBfAeTw3
— John Leung (@JRLeung) March 28, 2018
It took me several minutes to see the open mouth... once the light bulb came on, now I can’t see it closed anymore.... son of a ...
— Chris Henderson (@Baseball4Brains) March 29, 2018
I can't unsee the open mouth now.😨 Always thought of it as a closed grin before
— JC3 (@jjculls_iii) March 29, 2018
Personally, I think the case for open-mouth is a pretty weak one. The dimple on the end of the bird's beak only makes sense if it's a closed grin, and the progression of logo throughout franchise history suggests it's closed ... unless the bird suddenly found something to get really excited about.
Case: Closed pic.twitter.com/kgMW0NV5os
— Brandon Gallawa (@meshuggadaddy) March 29, 2018
In any case, it's a pretty ridiculous discussion, and at least some people decided to have some fun with the absurdity of it.
— @RegularEd (@RegularEd) March 29, 2018
Does the Orioles logo have a closed-mouth grin or is his (OR HER) mouth open? pic.twitter.com/RWYf9bq3M6
— DJ Bean (@DJ_Bean) March 29, 2018
Or is it Donald Trump sticking his tongue out? pic.twitter.com/EyyMOo8an0
— x - Rants Optional Podcast (@JetsStrolling) March 29, 2018
The important thing is a bunch of people decided to spend a very exciting Opening Day debating over a bird's mouth. Welcome to baseball season.