Jose Canseco's finger fell off during a poker game.
Jose Canseco's finger fell off during a poker game. (USATSI)

A little more than two weeks ago, word got out that former big leaguer Jose Canseco accidentally shot himself in the hand during a gun-cleaning accident. Rumors spread that he shot his finger off, but those were never confirmed.

On Friday, Canseco confirmed he did in fact shoot his finger off. But apparently doctors were able to reattach it, at least for two weeks. The finger literally fell during a poker tournament earlier this week. Like, in the middle of a card game, his finger fell off. Canseco explains:

But wait! There's video of the finger falling off incident as well. Whoever took the video sold it to Canseco's agent.

Canseco tweeted out a photo of his finger after it was reattached but before it fell off. I'm not going to embed it here because it's really gross, but click here if you want to see it. You are forewarned: it is not pretty.

(h/t Deadspin)