Seeing a celebrity come back into the public eye after a long hiatus is a bit like seeing the weird family member that moved to the West Coast to "find themselves" after four years. Seeing Sammy Sosa come back into the public eye after a hiatus is like seeing the weird family member that moved to the west coast, got married, suffered a messy divorce and then came home acting like nothing ever happened. It just leaves you with a lot more questions than answers.

Sosa's lightening skin tone has been a source of wonder for people since 2009, when in a span of mere months Sosa came on TV looking a bit more pale than folks remembered him. He eventually had to deny claims that he was trying to lighten his skin, saying that it was a skin softener that "bleached [him] some" in the understatement of the year. And it was almost forgotten.

Then the Home Run Derby happened.

The outfit really doesn't help, to be fair to Sosa. Although, Sosa doesn't help Sosa. In February, Sosa compared himself to Jesus Christ during a Skype interview with Chuck Wasserstrom. There was also this Bleacher Report post that found Sosa's Pinterest, which is a delightfully strange fever dream. Twitter, of course, was very mature and rational about Sosa's changes. Except for when they weren't. Which they literally never are.