The Atlanta Hawks dominated the first quarter and took a 38-20 advantage into the second frame, but it wasn't without a late momentum shift by the Wizards and John Wall

The Wizards point guard went coast-to-coast and put the ball around his back at the free throw line (in the middle of traffic) before slamming home one of the nastiest dunks you'll see.

Let's see that from as many angles as possible.

Ummm, excuse me. I'm a writer and not a scientist, but my math tells me that dunk simultaneously defied gravity and science, all while disproving at least six of Albert Einstein's theories ... I think.

Seriously, HOW DID HE DO THAT?!

I'm convinced that's not even basketball. That's magic. John Wall is performing magic in Game 3 of the NBA playoffs.

Unfortunately for the Wizards, Wall might be the only player on his team who came to play in Atlanta. After the first quarter he had 14 points, two assists and one incredible dunk. But no one on his team was close to double figures, and the Wizards trailed 38-20 after the first quarter.