Patrick Mahomes isn't afraid to take on a challenge, so why not set a high standard for a football team as talented as the Kansas City Chiefs? Mahomes is pursuing a perfect season, the first 20-0 campaign in NFL history -- comments that made the rounds across the NFL.

Mahomes dismissed the comments before, but training camp has brought a different vibe for the All-Pro quarterback. Winning all 20 games this year is a goal Mahomes and the Chiefs want to accomplish, which is what they are striving for a week into camp.

"You're trying to win every single day and that starts out here in training camp. Every single year I come into it; I'm trying to win every single game. I'm trying to go 20-0, 19-0 whatever it is," Mahomes said to reporters at Chiefs training camp Friday. "It's really hard to do -- that's why it's only been done really one time. But at the same time, you're trying to go in with that mentality that you're going to win every single day so that when you get to those game days you have the best chance to win every single game."

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The 1972 Miami Dolphins are the only team in NFL history to achieve a perfect season. The 2007 New England Patriots were one game away from matching the Dolphins, but fell in Super Bowl XLII to the New York Giants -- even if they were the first team to go 18-0. 

Kansas City has the talent and depth to win all 20 games, something the Chiefs are keeping in the back of their mind as they are a few days away from putting the pads on. The 20-0 season doesn't have to be mentioned, but it's a goal Mahomes certainly would like to achieve.

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"I haven't said it out loud here. I think guys hear it and they understand it," Mahomes said. "At the same time, you got to keep it in perspective. We understand that it's a long process going throughout this entire season, so we're just going to try to do whatever we can to win every single day. If that's practice, film room, whatever that is, to put us in the best opportunity to win as many games as possible."