We all own at least one suit just like Nick Saban's.
We all own at least one suit just like Nick Saban's. (USATSI)

If you live in Alabama and watched television over the weekend, odds are you saw Nick Saban popping up in a new Mercedes commercial. But most of the country doesn't live in Alabama and did not have the opportunity to bask in the brilliance of the ad.

Until now.

OK, so let's get a few things clear here. First of all, nobody thinks Nick Saban was actually driving the car at any point in this commercial, so there's no need to make a comment about it below, or turn to your friend and say "pfft, he wasn't actually driving."

Nobody cares!

The only thing anybody should be talking about when it comes to this commercial is Saban's hair after he takes the helmet off at the end. It remains as perfect as ever, and with a bit more color than I remember seeing in December.

It must be a magic helmet.

Wink of the CBS eye to Outkick The Coverage