Could Kentucky be the latest college football team to undergo a major uniform overhaul?

The school hasn't said, but it seems highly possible the Wildcats could at least debut an alternate look in the near future, after five-star defensive tackle recruit Matt Elam tweeted this photo Saturday: 

The Wildcats have worn black alternates before, but the gray look would be new, as would the black matte helmet. (An editorial opinion: Both elements would look fine on the football field, though neither would look particularly like Kentucky.)

Will the Wildcats actually wear these in 2013, or are they just prototypes made to help give recruits -- who have already proven to be highly impressed with Mark Stoops and Co. -- the VIP treatment? (Also: is it coincidence these leaked the same week 2013 opponent and 2012 Wildcat-upsetters Western Kentucky unveiled their new uniforms? Probably, yeah.)

We'll collectively have to wait to see, but here's five dollars saying they'll see the field at some point this fall.