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On Thursday night, the Pirates topped the Tigers 1-0 in a white-knuckled 11 innings. In doing so, they have now taken three of four from the reigning AL champs, and they have pushed their May record to a robust 19-8.

Taken together, all of that is enough to leave an invested commentator like Steve Blass in a state of ebullience. Listen on as Mr. Blass searches for the proper adjective to describe the run this team is on ...

"Kinky" is what it is. By way of reminder ...

Regard: 246 Facebook likes for this word!

I suppose that Blass, in a somewhat strained metaphorical sense, could be saying that the Corsairs' recent fortunes have been "full of kinks" or "closely twisted." However, the slight lilt in his voice at the end suggests, to me, that he thinks the team's winning ways reveal them to be cads, mashers and dirty birdies, the deviant actions of which are likely to make the duchess clutch her pearls and tumble onto the fainting couch in mute surrender. That lilt also suggests that Steve Blass thinks all of this is pretty cool.

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The 2013 Pirates, you see, are kinky.