Cody Bellinger not only became a World Series champion this season when the Los Angeles Dodgers beat the Tampa Bay Rays in six games, he also became a meme. His constant facial expression makes him look slightly ...confused...or spaced out, shall we say, but Bellinger says he's not actually under the influence of anything in the photos.

He took over the meme world when a screen-grab of him looking off into the distance went viral.

For those who have yet to see the meme, here it is:

The Dodgers first baseman went on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" while on his drive home on Thursday.

Joined by Clayton Kershaw, the duo answered questions about the World Series, the season, whether their team booed the commissioner and even joked about the Houston Astros.

Most importantly, he addressed his face.

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Kimmel asked, "Hey Cody, do people tell you you're high all the time?" 

Emphatically, Bellinger says, "I am not high during the games. OK."

Giving proof that he is not high all the time, he explains, "You look at me in the Little League World Series at 12 years old, I look faded. I was not smoking when I was 12, either. I'm not high. That's just how my face looks." You check out Baby Bellinger in the 2007 Little League World Series here.

The late night host also compared him to Spicoli, played by Sean Penn from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High."

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The 25-year-old has a promising future ahead of him, but at the end of his career his biggest accomplishment might just be these memes.