To celebrate ongoing Hispanic Heritage Month, MLB has, among other efforts, unveiled a special new logo. That logo is the familiar silhouetted batter, but this one has a small addition that's in keeping with the occasion in question. Here's a look ...


You'll note the red accent mark above the standard MLB logo. It's all part of the league's Ponle Acento campaign, which translates into "put an accent on it." Fittingly, the special logo was unveiled on Roberto Clemente Day.

Per an MLB press release, Latino players constituted more than 27 percent of opening day rosters. As well, MLB cites an ESPN poll that found that more than 60 percent of U.S. Hispanics self-identify as fans of Major League Baseball. In an effort to market to this demographic, teams all around baseball -- 23, to be exact -- have held or will be holding various Hispanic Heritage Nights during the month of September. Now, they'll have a logo that suits the occasion.