The Pirates are seeking Dodgers shortstop Dee Gordon or Red Sox shortstop Jose Iglesias in trade talks with teams involving reliever Joel Hanrahan, according to USA Today's John Perrotto.

There's no indication that either young shortstop has been offered by his team for the Pirates closer. baseball insider Jon Heyman reported Wednesday that both teams were interested in Hanrahan.

The Dodgers have Hanley Ramirez capable of playing shortstop if Gordon is traded, while the Red Sox' signing of Stephen Drew might make Iglesias available in trade discussions.

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If the Pirates trade Hanrahan, the team could move the recently re-signed Jason Grilli into the closer role.

The Pirates were previously thought to be seeking starting pitching in a Hanrahan deal, but with the team agreeing to a contract with Francisco Liriano, their priority might have shifted to adding a young shortstop.

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