John Wall goes 7-for-26 against Philadelphia. (USATSI)

Washington Wizards guard John Wall is not following former college teammate Eric Bledsoe's lead. The Phoenix Suns guard said in November that Kentucky could "definitely" beat the Philadelphia 76ers, which became a big thing. Sixers point guard Tony Wroten said it was "crazy," and Nerlens Noel, an ex-Wildcat himself, gave Bledsoe a flagrant foul right as the game started when the two teams met. Wall, though, gave a different answer than Bledsoe (and DeMarcus Cousins) when Dan Patrick posed him the question on Friday.

Could Kentucky compete with any team in the NBA this year?

Uh, no.

Against the Sixers, would Kentucky made it a game?

We lost to the 76ers, so no.

Kentucky against the Wizards?


They have no chance?

No. 'Cause the NBA game is totally different. College, you can sit in the paint all day and protect it.

See, Wall knows better than to say something that silly. Kentucky could be the best college team ever, but they're not beating any NBA team. Especially one that held the Wizards to 32 percent shooting just a few weeks ago. 

The Sixers aren't the worst team in the league, anyway, with a record of 14-50 and the 12th-best defensive rating. If anything, we should be asking if Kentucky could beat the New York Knicks.

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(HT: Bullets Forever)