The Kings will open the 2016-17 season in a brand new arena, and in an effort to honor the man who aided in their efforts to keep them in Sacramento, the team is planning on naming a road after David Stern.

The former NBA commissioner was one of the main voices that led the charge to keep the Kings in Sacramento after it looked the team would be moving to Seattle in 2013. Working with now-commissioner Adam Silver, Stern helped with the sale of the franchise to current Kings owner Vivek Ranadivé, who made a pledge to keep the franchise in Sacramento. And now three years since the sale, the Kings are part of Sacramento's downtown revitalization effort as their new arena, the Golden 1 center, is located right in the city's center.

So in a show of thanks for Stern's commitment to the city of Sacramento, Ranadivé actually made the decision to name the new road that leads to the arena. From the Sacramento Bee:

Officially, the address of the Golden 1 Center - to be submitted to the city Tuesday for approval - is 500 David J. Stern Walk.

"When I learned we would have the option of naming the road, it was a no-brainer for me," Kings principal owner Vivek Ranadive told The Sacramento Bee on Monday. "There were no other names on my list. David took the NBA to the global level and started the WNBA, but he is about so much more than basketball. He is one of the greatest leaders in the world, and on top of that, the team would not be in Sacramento without David Stern." [...]

The city's community development director, Ryan DeVore, said he anticipated the Kings' application would be approved.

"I don't see any conflicts," DeVore said. "It seems fitting."

Stern is quite thrilled with the honor:

Having a road named after him is just yet another lasting legacy Stern will have on the NBA.