Hey, America, been working on that beach body? No? Well, J.J. Watt is here to motivate you.

Behold: the latest and greatest shirtless photo tweeted by the Texans superstar.

Yes, we've got questions, and so do you, too, since Watt didn't provide any details to go with his photo.

For starters, what is behind that curtain, J.J.? An army of stylists? A weight room full of 1,000-pound truck tires you spent the morning flipping? An awesome brunch buffet that you just crushed? Please, do tell.

Also, what spawned this latest Twitter masterpiece? One too many topless Gronk photos on Twitter? A magazine photo shoot? Or, just a lazy Sunday at the pool?

America wants to know. And some of your 1.9 million Twitter followers have burning questions of their own, as well as a few valid complaints.

Here's a tiny sampling:

Anyway, we know you're super busy, but get back to us when you can, J.J. We're all eagerly awaiting your next Tweet.