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The Reds are Burke Badenhop's fifth team in five seasons, and he hopes they'll be his last for awhile. 

"It's an either everybody wants me but nobody wants me type of thing," he told's Mark Sheldon.

It's hard to take issue with his performance. Since 2011, Badenhop has appeared in at least 70 games every season, and hasn't had an ERA higher than 4.10. But he's bounced between the Marlins, Rays, Brewers and Red Sox. 

The Reds made him their only MLB free agent signing of the winter, and his contract includes a mutual option for 2016. Badenhop hopes to convince the Reds to use their half of it. 

"When I go out there 70 times in the year, I have to bring it physically and mentally," he said. "I like to have fun, be in charge, be in control and stuff like that. I'm not your average reliever."

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