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Cleveland Guardians manager Terry Francona soaked in the love from the fan base during his final home game on Wednesday night, but it was a bittersweet moment. Francona is also mourning the loss of his beloved scooter, which has gone to the big roadway in the sky after being stolen once again.

Prior to Cleveland's 4-3 win over the Cincinnati Reds, Francona told reporters that his scooter was stolen over a week ago, according to the Associated Press. Francona added that he got it back, but the scooter was no longer in driving condition.

"The hog has been officially put on ice," Francona said of his scooter. "It got stolen again, but this time they stripped it."

The scooter was covered up in the clubhouse, and Francona noted it looked like someone "took a baseball bat to it." Francona said he tried to replace his usual ride with an electric scooter, but that proved to be a dangerous endeavor.

"I went over the handlebars," Francona said. "I mean over. It's amazing how much you can see of your life in that moment."

That was the second time this season that Francona was the victim of theft. Earlier this year, Francona's scooter was stolen from his residence, but he got it back in good condition. He wasn't as fortunate this time.

Despite the loss of his scooter, Wednesday night was still a good one for Francona. Guardians fans got to say goodbye to their manager, and the team pulled out a close win. Francona has three games left before he retires following 23 seasons as an MLB manager, which include two World Series titles and another AL pennant.