Earlier this week, Cubs manager Joe Maddon brought a mime to spring training to keep his club loose and make sure they're having fun. Baseball is a kid's game, of course.

Maddon is no stranger to having fun in camp, and on Friday he may have brought in his most appropriate spring guest yet. He had actual cubs in camp. Literal bear cubs. Check it out (photo via Mark Gonzales of the Chicago Tribune on Twitter):

Adorable. Anthony Rizzo and the cubs.

The two bear cubs are about three and a half months old. Friday was their first time on grass and they spent the day flopping around and playing with each other and Cubs players.

Here's some video of the cubs in action:

Props to Rizzo for staying calm and collected as the cub crawled between his legs. That's, uh, unnerving.

Now for some team photos:

Let the record show: bear cubs > mimes.