Today's Scoreboard | Remaining Schedule | Standings | Wild-Card Standings

Let's get you up to speed by seeing where the races for the 10 playoff berths stand. The NL Central is already decided, as the Cubs clinched the flag some time ago, but five division races remain in play, as do the wild-card derbies in each league. So now let's have a look at the standings and current magic numbers for the leader of each race. By way of reminder, a team's magic number is the sum of its wins and losses by the second-place teams needed for the team in question to clinch the division/wild card. We'll be updating the numbers each night until all races are decided.

Now let's see where things stand right now ...

American League Division Leaders

Team Games Ahead
Magic Number

4 8

7 6

9.5 2

American League Wild Card

Team Games Behind
Magic Number


- 11

1.5 -

2 -

3 -

3.5 -

5 -

10 -

National League Division Leaders

Team Games Ahead
Magic Number


Clinched Clinched

5 7

National League Wild Card

Team Games Behind
Magic Number

- 8

- 8

- 8

4 -

4.5 -

8 -