Metta World Peace is struggling to make sense during the aftermath of his 7-game suspension. (Getty Images)

On Tuesday, the NBA suspended
Los Angeles Lakers forward Metta World Peace for seven games for throwing a vicious elbow to the head of Oklahoma City Thunder guard James Harden. On Wednesday, things got weird.

Since the incident on Sunday, World Peace has taken intense criticism for his action from media members and former players alike, including Magic Johnson and Shaquille O'Neal.

On Wednesday evening, he posted multiple Twitter messages on his account -- @MettaWorldPeace-- responding to those critics.
Sports media , I understand yal articles and respect it.. But the players and players that played in the 80’s judging me.More to come later.

Shaq ,How can u comment on elbows.. What about the punch you threw at brad miller. And the elbows at dikembe and the prizbilla concussion?

Can magic johnson,jon barry and steven A compare my accidental elbow to the Luis scola face step and the Blake griff take down..?
The messages were later removed from his account.

Hours later, World Peace posted a five-paragraph meditation on the incident on his website, entitled "When Two Powerhouses Collide." The piece included thoughts on NBA referees, the importance of not getting ejected and the role that passion plays in basketball.
The referees' jobs are hard because they have to control the game and emotions. The refs have to be aware of the two teams and if there are any bad feelings between the teams... They also have to be aware of the players on the floor, the aggressive nature of players and player tendencies and... uh... asteroids.

When two power houses collide there will be player confrontation... At this point it's most important to stay on the floor and not do anything to get ejected. When you get players that are capable of being ejected, that player has to be aware of the opponent trying to get under his skin.... This type of competition makes for great entertainment.


When two powerhouses collide you generally will have one main leader.... That leader has to have some type of smarts and determination about him or her to lead a group, or even him or herself... You have to expect one of the asteroids or shooting stars to be more powerful or more strategic at the point of impact... You most definitely have to be passionate, first and foremost.
If you can decode all of that, more power to you. It's time for World Peace to stop talking and put down the Twitter and blogging tool for the duration of his suspension. He's completely let his team and organization down with his on-court actions and now he's dragging the Lakers brand further through the dirt by being a distraction.

It's time to take your lumps in peace and quiet, Metta.