Houston Rockets Introduce Mike D'Antoni as Head Coach
Bill Baptist

The NBA's salary cap is likely going to increase past this season's $109.1 figure, but that number could be quite a bit lower than what the league was initially projecting last year. The reason for the salary cup not projected to go as high stems back to Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey's tweet back in October that supported protestors in Hong Kong.

In Thursday's installment of "Nothing Personal with David Samson," David Samson weighed in on the topic and revealed that he believes that Morey will be fired from his post with Houston if the franchise doesn't win an NBA title this season.

"This going to be hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenue for the NBA," Samson said. "This is going to bleed all the way down to the players. That's when you're going to know that Daryl Morey is finished. The Rockets have to not win the title then he is going to be fired. There is a belief in NBA circles right now that the China deal cost the NBA between $150-200 million in current-day revenue. I'm not buying it, the number is way higher."

Samson also believes Morey's comments actually cost the league around half a billion dollars. 

The NBA is going to release their updated projections for the 2020-21 season in the near future. The release is set to coincide with the trade deadline is just around the corner on Feb. 6.

Morey's tweet caused China to take away sponsorships and television deals with the NBA.