KC is giving Sting's kid some run. (Getty Images)

Need a quick reminder how old you're getting? The son of legendary WWE wrestler Sting, a tight end out of Kentucky, is getting a tryout this offseason with the Kansas City Chiefs.

Personally, I remember cheering on the old-school look Sting (before he went all emo he rocked purple and yellow facepaint; the 90's were a wild time, kids). So it's hyper depressing to think he's got a kid old enough to make a run at the NFL. 

But that's exactly what Steve Borden, Jr., is doing. And he's not bothered by the constant attention of having a famous wrasslin' pappy. 

“People usually ask me does that bother you, does that upset you? It's never bothered me,” Borden Jr. said Sunday. “It's actually been one of those things that has pushed me my entire life. You see what your dad has done, you want to beat him out."

Growing up the kid of Steve Borden/Sting and all the attention that comes with that, plus seeing your dad live that lifestyle could potentially lead one to become jaded about wrestling.

Fortunately Sting pushed his kid to do whatever he wanted in life. 

“He's always kind of pushed me to do what I want to do, make a name for myself outside of what he's done,” Borden Jr. said. “So that's been the goal my entire life, not really to follow in his footsteps necessarily, but to make my own name ... he never really was one of those dads who kind of wanted to push their son into their own deal.”

Do talks like this take place with facepaint on? Does Sting hold a microphone and shout his message to his kids? These are things the world should know. 

But we probably won't find out. Borden doesn't sound like he's necessarily thrilled about talking on the topic.

Much less the idea of joining the WWE tour, even if football doesn't work out for him.

“I always tell people, if one day I'm homeless on the streets, then I might try it,” Borden Jr. said.