Dr. Anthony Fauci threw out the ceremonial first pitch on Opening Day before the Washington Nationals game against the New York Yankees on Thursday and the pitch was, to be kind, less than perfect. While the pitch went viral for the wrong reasons, the infectious disease expert was still able to laugh about it and make fun of himself.
For anyone who missed it, here's the pitch:
Huge thanks to Dr. Anthony Fauci for throwing out the ceremonial first pitch for the World Series Champion Washington Nationals.#OpeningDay // #NATITUDE pic.twitter.com/16wGWyfnlH
— Washington Nationals (@Nationals) July 24, 2020
In his defense, Facui is a big advocate of social distancing so maybe he just wanted the ball to be social distanced from the catcher. After the fact, Fauci was able to brush the embarrassment off saying (via The Washington Post):
"It went in the wrong direction," he said. "I joked around after and said I used to be a shortstop when I played ball as a young boy and I thought I was supposed to throw to first base."
When discussing the safety measures MLB has put in place to WaPo, Fauci got more serious, saying he felt the precautions they've taken has made it safe to return.
"When we were discussing how to open up baseball again I was one of I'm sure many people that they consulted with," he said. "And one of the things that we said was important is paramount safety for the players and their families, safety for the personnel and safety for anyone who might be a spectator. And what they've done, as we did last night, there were no spectators in the stands and the players had followed strict protocol."
MLB's return-to-play plan includes extensive safety measures such as testing every other day, masks being worn in expanded dugouts and no fans in the stands.
Fauci also discussed the NFL return with the post, but -- because of the sport being more contact-driven -- was more vague about his feelings.
"It's very difficult to say you've got to do some real careful type of protocols if you want to get football, which is such an inherently contact sport being at the college or professional level. But I think you'd have to take a look at how they are trying to do it, what the protocols are," Fauci said. "I certainly cannot be the judge of that. I can only talk to people about what are some of the risks are and what some of the safety procedures must be."
He wouldn't say whether he would discourage or encourage football at any level returning, and noted that he wanted to be "realistic" about the challenges of a return.