Cubs first baseman Anthony Rizzo was 11 years old when Train released "Drops of Jupiter" -- or that perfect age when hit songs ingrain themselves on one's soul. Train must've made a real impression on young Rizzo, because on Tuesday he decided to perform his rendition for the rest of the Cubs. Alas, Rizzo learned an integral lesson: knowing how a song goes is most certainly not the same as knowing how to perform it yourself.

As random as Rizzo's performance appears -- even by the zany standards of Cubs camp -- it's all part of a bigger, more intricate plan. In short, Rizzo has been taking piano lessons four times a week this spring in an effort to become as good as his father. Clearly Rizzo remains in the early stages of his development, and word is scouts feel it's unlikely he'll ever become as skilled with his fingers and pipes as he is with his bat and glove.

Still, you have to admire Rizzo's willingness to put himself out there in front of his teammates and through social media. He might've not been blessed with perfect pitch, but give him this: he's got more than enough self confidence.

Anthony Rizzo does not check out Mozart while he does Tae-Bo.
Anthony Rizzo does not check out Mozart while he does Tae-Bo. (Anthony Rizzo on Twitter)