MORE: Check out the A's "photo studio"

Courtesy of the undeniably wonderful Ninety Feet of Perfection, comes this image, which is of baseball-thrower Nolan Ryan in the throes of bloody determination ... 

Mr. Ryan, you see, had on a September night in 1990 suffered the second-inning depredations of one Bo Jackson and his mighty cudgel ... 

Note that he sucked up the blood for a moment, because blood tastes like complete games. In a related matter, he'd stay in this game for another 17 outs. 

OK, I suppose it might have been a tad more dramatic had Ryan remained standing after taking a Bo Jackson liner off the chops, but recall that rogue physicists have proved that a Bo Jackson grounder contains as much SPF (or "Science Power Force") as a sun fired out of a cannon made of fangs. 

And still Nolan Ryan pitched, teeth probably loosed from their moorings.