While Aroldis Chapman is locked in as the Reds' closer, the eighth-inning job remains up in the air for the club as spring training winds down, according to MLB.com. 

Sean Marshall is still recovering from shoulder surgery in 2014, leaving the set-up man spot as an open competition between a trio of players - Sam LeCure, Manny Parra and J.J. Hoover. 

"I think right now what we're doing is we're trying to figure out who our best options are," Reds manager Bryan Price said. 

"We're going to have to evolve as a bullpen. I think we know that Chapman's the closer and that we're going to have to evolve into roles to a certain degree," Price added. "Opening Day, I couldn't tell you who would be in the eighth inning. … There's a lot of balls in the air with the bullpen beyond the closer."