One of the things Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers does in the no-huddle offense to signal plays (or something) is make a smoking signal, holding his index finger and thumb up to his mouth.

All the cool kids will recognize this as "dope-smoking fingers" and the slightly-less-cool kids will think it's about smoking cigarettes.

In an attempt to clarify the matter on ESPN Milwaukee's "Tuesdays With Aaron" show (hosted by the always excellent Jason Wilde), Rodgers only made things hazier.

Listeners sent in questions to Wilde and Rodgers, via the Big Lead, claimed it was a tribute to "Smokin' Jay Cutler," perhaps the greatest -- and certainly the most apathetic -- NFL Internet meme of all time.

Jason Wilde: “Jeremy asks: ‘What is that pre-snap signal where you look like you’re smoking? Is that a smoke route or is that an indicator of two HIGH safeties?’ Tony asks ‘How do you keep from laughing after some of the hand gestures you do in the no huddle? They have been, shall we say, interesting.’”

Aaron Rodgers: “That was just a tribute to Jay Cutler. Because there’s that Smoking Jay Website. So I was just doing a tribute to Jay there …

JW: OK. You would never give away the actual value of those.

AR: That’s what it was!

JW: It really was?

AR: I don’t know I don’t remember.

JW: I think you’re making that up.

AR: I don’t remember.

JW: You’ve done it a lot of times, though. There are people who use it as their Twitter avatar.

AR: It’s a dummy signal. That’s the whole thing. It’s you know, like, smoking dope. You’re a dummy if you smoke dope. That’s what it’s a dummy signal.

JW: God you think well on your feet.

This isn't a new thing: Rodgers has been doing the smoking thing before the snap for a while now. BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

And why am I suddenly craving a Doritos Locos Taco and a 96-ounce Mountain Dew?