Kaepernick is looking for another shot anywhere. USATSI

While the NFL's anthem protests have picked up steam in recent weeks, Colin Kaepernick has remained quiet and out of public sight. That's because the former 49ers quarterback is focusing exclusively on trying to earn a shot at another NFL job, an opportunity that has evaded him despite several teams being in the market for help behind center. 

Kaepernick sparked the recent wave of anthem demonstrations when he sat (and later kneeled) during pregame festivities last year in order to bring attention to racial injustice and police brutality in America. The quarterback's peaceful protests were received with polarizing reactions and sparked quite a lot of controversy and debate.

After becoming a free agent in the offseason, Kaepernick had trouble finding another opportunity in the NFL, despite a number of quarterbacks with less impressive resumes and skill sets being signed over him. This led many people to wonder if the controversy and "distraction" attached to the quarterback were keeping him from finding a deal. 

All the while, though, Kaepernick has remained pretty mum about his desire to continue being a quarterback in the NFL. His name has repeatedly popped up in headlines, but rarely because of anything he's said or done. 

CBS Sports NFL insider Jason La Canfora caught up with Kaepernick in order to find out what the quarterback has been up to and what his status is in relation to his football career.

According to La Canfora, Kaepernick has remained so quiet because he's been focusing on staying in shape, sharpening his football skills and trying not to cause any distractions that would keep him from earning another shot on the gridiron. The quarterback is willing to go anywhere to play, as his agent has reportedly been reaching out to all 32 teams to inquire about a tryout. (Kaepernick says he's fine if that workout is kept private.)

That means that the Tennessee Titans were aware of Kaepernick's interest when they elected to work out four quarterbacks last week (none of them Kaepernick) before ultimately signing Brandon Weeden

La Canfora detailed Kaepernick's recent workout regimen, which includes the QB waking up at 4 a.m. to travel from New York City to New Jersey, where he runs football drills and throws more than 100 passes a day, in addition to working out in a gym. He's reportedly determined to showcase that his abilities on the field are worth whatever off-the-field attention comes with him.

There were also reports to surface this weekend that Kaepernick would stand for the anthem if he were to earn another shot, but those reports have since been refuted.