The creator of P90X definitely knows a marketing opportunity when he sees one.

Tony Horton, the man behind the grueling 90-day home fitness system, is offering to do the impossible: He wants to help get Eddie Lacy into shape.  

If the Packers running back wants to keep his job, then he should probably take Horton up on the offer because based on what Mike McCarthy said last week, an overweight Eddie Lacy probably won't make Green Bay's 2016 roster.  

"He's got a lot of work to do," McCarthy said on Jan. 18. "His offseason last year was not good enough and he never recovered from it. He cannot play at the weight he played at this year."

According to TMZ, Lacy's people have already reached out to Horton about getting the two together. 

"My job will be to get the weight off and help him eat better," Horton said. 

Getting Lacy to eat better might not be easy though, because this is a guy who loves his "China Food."

On the other hand, if Horton could help Wayne W. lose 43 pounds in 90 days, then he can help anyone. 

On a related note, if you don't have any idea who Wayne is, that's OK, because neither do I, he was just the first guy I saw when I clicked over to the P90X website

Anyway, if you've never heard of the workout, it's a program that uses "resistance and body-weight training, cardio, plyometrics, ab work, martial arts and yoga, along with a nutrition plan, fitness guide and workout calendar" to get people into shape. 

If the NFL's looking for an offseason reality show, Lacy trying to complete the P90X workout could be a goldmine. 

Eddie Lacy was slightly over his playing weight in 2015. (USATSI)
Eddie Lacy was slightly over his playing weight in 2015. (USATSI)