If you were watching Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Final on television, chances are you probably noticed a blonde woman sitting right behind the Devils bench in Los Angeles. She was hard not to see, especially after Paul Bissonnette pointed here out on Twitter.

Somebody who didn't pay any attention to her? Devils coach Peter DeBoer. Nope, he kept his focus entirely on the game from start to finish. That wasn't the NBC cameras catching him taking a look, he was peeking down his bench, it only looks like he's peering into the crowd. (Here's where I say wink, wink.)

DeBoer wasn't even asked about that on Friday but he brought it up himself when asked about the team's focus. His response was just terrific. Here is the question and response with the great line.

Q. How difficult is it to keep your players focused at the task at hand? Human nature would be thinking of what more needs to be done. Have you come up with a mantra or something that has helped them?

COACH DeBOER: To focus? I thought that question was going about the lady behind our bench last game. I thought we were heading that way (laughter). You saw my 100% focus on the game (smiling). That's discipline, I'll tell you.

Good on DeBoer for bringing this up and drawing a great laugh from the folks in attendance. The story drew a bit of attention after the game as porn star Taylor Stevens' distraction drew plenty of attention.

Well done, Pete, well done.

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