The San Jose Sharks are celebrating their 25th anniversary of existence this season and with that, they’ve brought back their original jerseys. They were the club that introduced teal to the NHL at a time when it seemed teal was the only color that mattered.

Also, being located in Silicon Valley, also meant the team was trying to be on the cutting edge of technology.

We were just starting to go crazy over the new things you could do with computers to create cool animations. So not only did the Sharks bring back the original teal jerseys (which remains their primary color today) Tuesday night, they also brought back the most 1990s-ish intro video you’re bound to see.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mighty Morphin' Hockey Sharks:

Let’s take a few paragraphs to unpack this mind-boggling 32-second video.

OK, so the sharks are just circling around, doing normal shark things, when suddenly they hear something (which is denoted by that extra pop on the synthesizer) and all snap to attention. At this point, it’s go time or something.

They all start swimming away and then out of nowhere they’re flying through the sky, as sharks are prone to do. They fly through the Northern California skies and right into what I believe is supposed to be a representation of their first home, the Cow Palace.

Then the sharks are flying over the ice before turning upright. Suddenly the team’s logo appears on their chests. Then they all convene at one end of the ice where they all morph into half-shark, half-hockey players ready to do battle.

Menacing, but also the pinnacle of CGI at the time, probably.

From the music, to the bad graphics to the ridiculousness from start to finish, this video is the early 1990s in a nutshell. And if you were born after this period, like all high schoolers are now, we really did love teal and we were still enjoying synthesizers. We also let things like this happen all the time...

Things are better now.

[H/T Bleacher Report]