Billy Jenkins, maybe better known as "King B," recently joined the CBS Sports golf team to interview some of the best players (and broadcasters) in the world. What unfolded was five episodes with Nick Faldo, Boo Weekley, Brandt Snedeker, Jim Furyk, Wesley Bryan and Gary McCord. This is a behind-the-scenes look at the fun they had together.

Jenkins is clearly an energetic talent. Despite his age (or maybe because of it), he galvanizes some of the most unique personalities in the sport. That really pops off the screen in these behind-the-scenes clips.

"Billy Jenkins is full of energy," said director Cory Kelley aptly. "From the time he gets up in the morning until the time he goes to bed, he's driving someone crazy."

He's also driving them to enjoy revealing parts of themselves we sometimes don't get to see. Like Boo Weekley's love for Alabama fototball, Gary McCord's mustache advice and Jim Furyk getting "knighted."

In the all-too-stodgy world of pro golf, King B is a breath of fresh air, and the sport is better for his talent. And hey, anybody who teaches Furyk how to rap is all good in my book.

More fun King B interviews: Nick Faldo | Brandt Snedeker | Jim Furyk | Gary McCord | Boo Weekley and Wesley Bryan