The Phillies are "going to unload," according to a source with knowledge of Philadelphia's plans over the next 24 hours, wrote's Jim Salisbury. 

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  • The Phillies are actively trying to trade Hunter Pence, especially to the Giants, but Philadelphia's asking price has yet to be met, wrote Salisbury. 

  • Shane Victorino is all but sure to be dealt, and the Dodgers remain the most interested, along with the Giants and Reds

  • The Orioles are the top suitor for Joe Blanton, but the Blue Jays, with injury concerns of their own, and Cardinals might be interested as well. 

  • The Phillies want a major-league ready utility man, or a prospect who projects to be a middle reliever, in return for Blanton, wrote's Britt Ghiroli. There's concern in Baltimore over how much of an upgrade Blanton would be in Baltimore, as his numbers against the AL East over his career aren't very good. 

  • About Cliff Lee and a potential trade to the Rangers, Salisbury wrote that Texas is not on Lee's list of 21 teams he can block trades to. 

  • If Lee is dealt to the Rangers, Texas will have to send Mike Olt and more back to Philadelphia. Salisbury speculates that the Phillies could ask for reliever Alexi Ogando to be included in the deal, as well. 

  • The Phillies are trying to avoid paying luxury tax, and trading Victorino and Blanton would save them "roughly $6 million," Salisbury tweeted

  • It's no secret, he added, that the Reds want Juan Pierre, and that Ty Wigginton could be on the move, too. But not to the Yankeestweeted's Jon Heyman. 

For more up-to-the-minute news and analysis on the latest rumors from bloggers Chris Cwik, Jack Moore and Navin Vaswani, follow @MLBRumorsCBS.