Aaron Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers are heading into a new season with the hopes of making the playoffs for the first time in three years and the quarterback wants more from his home crowd.

The Packers are just 9-6-1 at Lambeau Field over the last two seasons, which isn't particularly impressive for the storied venue that's supposed to bring one of the best home-field advantages in football. Then again, it's the team that should be driving the crowd, not the crowd driving the team.

But luckily Rodgers isn't a guy who comes to the table without means to an end. He has an idea for how Lambeau can be a louder and more hostile environment this year, and it's an idea that will likely go over well with thirsty fans: make beer cheaper. 

"I'm up for anything that's gonna get the fans as loud as possible," Rodgers said, via ProFootballTalk. "Maybe slash some beer prices or something, would be a good idea."

Now this proposal could go one of two ways: The plan works and fans get marginally drunker, leading to a more lively and raucous crowd that gives the opponent hell. Or the plan backfires and fans get so drunk that they fall into a silent stupor, pass out or get so out of control that they're thrown out of the stadium. (Trust me, it happens). 

If the latter occurs, you're probably looking at a more subdued crowd than before and that could spell trouble for the Pack. Luckily, folks from Wisconsin seem to know how to party and there's a good chance they'll be able to handle it. 

As it stands, Lambeau charges 52 cents per ounce ($8.25 for a 16-ounce can of domestic beer), which puts them 18th in the league -- about right in the middle. Rodgers is also about "league average" depending on who you ask, and it's safe to assume that the Packers quarterback would like both of those things to change this year. Just as long as he doesn't have to chug the cheaper beer.