The new proposed Los Angeles stadium. (via HLK)

The NFL is heading to Los Angeles. It's only a matter of time. We just need to know who, when, where and how many teams it'll involve. According to the latest rumors, it could be two and it could involve a proposed stadium from current Rams owner Stan Kroenke.

Take these with a grain of salt because they are pre-construction renderings, but the stadium proposal Kroenke is bringing to Phoenix, per Sam Farmer of the Los Angeles Times, to show off at the NFL owners' meetings is absolutely gorgeous.

Farmer met with Kroenke and design firm HKS in San Francisco recently to look at the plans and revealed them in the Times on Sunday.

Aerial view of the proposed LA stadium. (via HKS)

"This stadium grows out of the DNA of the region," Mark Williams of HKS said.

HKS is the same firm who designed stadiums for the Cowboys and Colts.

Inside the proposed new stadium. (via HKS)

The stadium would also be built into the ground, so only 100 feet of the 275-foot stadium profile would be visible above ground. 

This also fits into constrictions related to Los Angeles International Airport and keeps the stadium from being an eyesore in a metropolitan area.

"So many stadiums are a big building that's out in a field somewhere," Chris Meany, senior vice president of the Hollywood Park Land Co., told Farmer. "Very few have been integrated into the community."

A particularly interesting point of this stadium? It's designed for two teams and, per Farmer, has two home locker rooms, two identical offices spaces and two owners boxes. 

However, it's "widely believed" Kroenke doesn't want to share the LA market initially, and instead would want to move a team (aka the Rams, since he owns them) to Los Angeles and then potentially absorb another football team.

That would make things a little hairy on the Raiders and Chargers attempts to simultaneously move to LA.

So it's not ALL perfect on the LA. football front. Indeed, there are harsh storm clouds brewing just in these pictures alone. While glancing at one rendering, an eagle-eye editor of ours noticed a fictional couple walking away from the fictional stadium.

That young man is simply out here looking for some love. But it appears, at least from the casual eye, that his lady friend isn't acquiescing to his charms.

Let's ZOOM and ENHANCE shall we?

She literally turned the other cheek. Straight burn. It's possible she's smiling but it's far more fun to think about a fictional girl rejecting a fictional guy on a fictional set of stadium plans.

Kroenke and the Rams are hoping they won't get a similar stamp from the league when presenting plans this week.