San Francisco 49ers v Seattle Seahawks
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For most of his coaching career, Pete Carroll has been against the expansion of instant replay, but it seems that the Seahawks coach is finally changing his tune. 

During a press conference on Wednesday, the subject of expanding replay came up when Carroll was asked about a recent proposal made by Jim Irsay. In October, the Colts owner said he would like to see the NFL change the replay rule so that ALL CALLS would be reviewable in the final two minutes of a game. 

Not only is Carroll in favor of that, but he took the proposal a step further by saying that he would like everything to be subject to replay review if that's what it takes for the NFL to get every call right. 

"As long as we're subject to the replay mode, I think they should get things right," Carroll said. 

The Seahawks head coach admitted that he used to be against replay, but now he's changed his mind on the subject. 

"I would've told you for years and years and years, I would rather put it on the officials to call the game and let's keep the game going," Carroll said. "I liked it better when it was like that, but now that I've grown up and not kicking and screaming about it, I think we should use it. I think they're trying to help as much as they can, more than ever."

According to Carroll, the most important thing the NFL can do is get every call right, which is why he's now on board with more replay. 

"I think they just keep expanding their effect, because we need to get it right," Carroll said. "We need to do things right and not have to live with issues and stuff that we could have [fixed]. After the game, you're griping and moaning and all that [about bad calls]."

That being said, Carroll doesn't want the NFL to add more replay unless the league has the personnel numbers to handle it. 

"If they think that they could do it, if they could handle it and have enough crew to handle all the games, and see it, that's a big statement for them to be able to do every play," Carroll said. "I think it would be in the best interest of getting things right and that's really what we'd like to do."

It's not just replay, though, as Carroll also said he wouldn't mind seeing more technology used for things like measuring first downs and seeing if the football actually crossed the plane on a play at the goal line. 

"Yep, I'd go with that," Carroll said. "And now that we're that far into it, let's go."

The idea of expanding instant replay once seem far-fetched, but if prominent voices like Irsay and Carroll keep calling for it, that might be enough to get the NFL to at least consider making some changes.