Bad sign, Lakers fans: Dwight Howard was completely out of breath after doing the "Gangnam Style" dance for 45 seconds.

(Also, maybe another bad sign: Dwight Howard still is acting like Dwight Howard. And his Kobe Bryant impression is terrible.)

Howard has been working on the court, though, and while he likely won't be ready for the Lakers' opening night, he's progressing and should be ready by 2013. So with his health, I'm sure his conditioning is a work in progress too.

Howard talked a little about the Lakers and how he wants to win a ring there and told some weird story about an old lady "wheeled" up to him in Atlanta and telling him to go to L.A. because he "deserves it." No talk of the Dwightmare or anything though.

But his back is looking better, it seems -- at least in good enough shape for him to dance all over the place.