Seahawks owner Paul Allen is the 51st richest person in the world. (Getty Images)
Seahawks owner Paul Allen is the 51st richest person in the world. (Getty Images)

Paul Allen is ridiculously wealthy, even by NFL owner standards. According to, Allen is a billionaire more than 17 times over. Specifically, the 62-year-old Seahawks owner and Microsoft co-founder is worth $17.5 billion. Allen also owns the NBA's Portland Trail Blazers.

Relatively speaking, that makes Allen the 51st richest person on the planet (up from No. 56 in 2014), and the wealthiest NFL owner.  Last fall, he announced plans to donate $100 million to fight Ebola.

Other NFL owners to make the list: Dolphins owner Stephen Ross is No. 216 ($6.5 billion); Rams owner Stan Kroenke (who also owns parts of the Denver Nuggets, Colorado Avalanche and Arsenal Football Club) is No. 225 ($6.3 billion); Jaguars owner Shad Khan (who also owns Fulham Football Club) is No. 330 ($4.8 billion); Patriots owner Bob Kraft (who also owns the New England Revolution) is No. 381 ($4.3 billion); and Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is No. 393 ($4.2 billion).

In case you're wondering, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is the wealthiest person in the world. He's worth $79.2 billion. Steve Ballmer, the former Microsoft CEO, is the richest professional sports team owner. He bought the Clippers for $2 billion last year, and his net worth of $21.5 billion ranks 35th on the list.