Monday afternoon the Washington Nationals beat the San Francisco Giants (WAS 3, SF 0) at AT&T Park, and I'm fairly certainly no one will remember the specific run-scoring plays from the game. What they will remember is the massive brawl between Bryce Harper and Hunter Strickland.

Here's the video. Strickland hit Harper in the hip with a fastball, and Harper charged the mound.

Strickland hit Harper in apparent retaliation for the two home runs Harper hit against him way back during the 2014 NLDS, a series the Giants won. They eventually went on to win the World Series too. Monday was the first time Strickland faced Harper since that NLDS.

As you could imagine, Harper (and his teammates) had a lot to say about Strickland and the brawl following the game. Here is a roundup of Harper's postgame quotes:

On (poorly) throwing his helmet: "I was just trying to go after him, with the helmet or just myself. I was just trying to do what I needed to do to keep it going I guess. I don't know. In that situation, you see red. You just try to do the best you can and get out of there and not get crushed by one of their teammates coming in." 

On the 2014 NLDS home runs: "They won the World Series that year. I don't even think he should be thinking about what happened in the first round. He should be thinking about wearing that ring home every single night. I don't know why he did it or what he did it for, but I guess it happens ... That's where a spot where it's just not relevant. That was three years ago, a thousand days I guess you could say. I don't know why he's still thinking about it." 

On being thrown at intentionally: "I mean, a baseball's a weapon, and being able to use that to his advantage, that's just what he wanted to do in that situation. You never want to get suspended or anything like that, but sometimes you just have to go and get him." 

On charging the mound: "I don't want to go on a baseball field and try to fight somebody. Especially when it's somebody that it's in the past. It's so in the past that it's not even relevant anymore ... You can't hesitate (after getting hit). You either go to first base or go after him. I decided to go after him. 

Both Harper and Strickland are sure to be suspended for Monday's brawl. Strickland started the whole thing by intentionally throwing at Harper, but Harper escalated it by charging the mound.