If there was any goodwill left between Dez Bryant and the Dallas Cowboys, the rest of it probably went out the window on Friday after the receiver went on an epic Twitter tirade where he ripped into his former team. 

The tirade started after Bryant caught wind of an interview that Cowboys executive vice president Stephen Jones did with SiriusXM NFL radio on Friday. In the interview, Jones basically blamed Bryant for Dak Prescott's struggles in 2017. 

"Dak is working on his game and accuracy. He has to trust the system," Jones said. "I think that was tough last year with Dez Bryant in his ear. I think he'll have the year he had [in 2016] if not better."

Bryant didn't take kindly to being called out by Jones and he immediately let his 3.5 million followers on Twitter know it. According to Bryant, he wasn't the reason why the Cowboys offense struggled last year, the reason the Cowboys offense struggled last year is because of "garbage ass" playcalling and the fact that the Cowboys ran a predictable offense.

"Everybody lined up in the same spot for 17 weeks," Bryant wrote. 

You can see his tweet below. 

Dez Bryant is not happy with the Cowboys.  Twitter/DezBryant

And just for the record, the words that we covered over both rhyme with "hit."

Bryant's accusation that the coaching staff is killing the Cowboys offense is actually pretty interesting, because he's not the only player in Dallas who felt that way last year. Just before the Cowboys played their regular season finale in 2017, NFL Network reported that multiple Cowboys players were unhappy with the way the team's offense was being run. 

The Cowboys offense runs through Jason Garrett and offensive coordinator Scott Linehan. Garrett was famously stripped of playcalling duties in January 2013 and Linehan has been with the team since 2014. If the offense is predictable, then the blame definitely falls on those two guys. 

Let's get back to Bryant, though. Besides ripping into the Cowboys offense, Bryant was also throwing out other conspiracy theories. According to the receiver, one of the reasons he was cut by the Cowboys back in April is because Sean Lee conspired to get rid of him. 

The Lee accusation came out after a fan called Stephen Jones "clueless" in a tweet sent to Bryant.  

Here was Bryant's response. 

Dez Bryant doesn't seem to care for anyone in the Cowboys organization anymore.  Twitter/DezBryant

And yes, that is Bryant also ripping into Cowboys owner Jerry Jones by labeling him as "clueless."

If you're scoring at home, Bryant has now called out the team's offensive coaching staff, the team's ownership and the team's star linebacker. 

Speaking of the Cowboys' star linebacker, Bryant sent out a second tweet about Lee and how the linebacker supposedly forced the receiver out of Dallas. 

Dez Bryant doesn't seem like a big fan of Sean Lee Twitter/DezBryant

Sean Lee might have forced Dez out of Dallas? Someone needs to make a "30 for 30" about that. 

Although Bryant spent plenty of time ripping the Cowboys on Friday, he did make sure to mention that he still supports multiple players on the team. 

Bryant also made sure to mention that he likes Jerry Jones, even if he does think the Cowboys owner is clueless. 

The good news for Bryant is that he might be able to officially put his Cowboys career behind him pretty soon. The receiver is in the early stages of contract talks with the Browns and could end up signing a one-year deal in Cleveland if talks go well.