On Monday night against the 49ers, the New York Giants finally got their second win of the season. Trailing 23-20 with just south of three minutes left in the game, Eli Manning took the Giants 75 yards down the field before finally hitting Sterling Shepard for the game-winning score. (That simplifies things quite a bit. There were about 46 penalties on the drive before the Giants actually got down there.) 

The biggest play of the drive probably came from Saquon Barkley, who had been bottled up all night. Barkley had just 77 total yards before he looped out of the backfield and caught a pass from Manning on the run, ripping off a 23-yard gain and getting the Giants into position to score. Two plays later, they were in the end zone. 

After they hit pay-dirt, here's what Barkley said to the quarterback who had just engineered his 36th career game-winning drive. 

That, my friends, is what Britta Perry and Jeff Winger would call a complisult. 

You see, because Saquon is saying that Eli has been "doing this" for a long time. That's a compliment. The insult is that he's been doing it since Saquon was 12 years old, which means Eli is, ya know ... old. (And he is definitely old for a QB. He turns 38 in early January.) Either way, it's clear Saquon was impressed by Eli's moxie and happy to be part of a game-winning drive for the first time.