Just when you were thinking there were would be a bunch of mulligans handed out to college football coaches this season amid COVID-19, South Carolina athletic director Ray Tanner beat everyone to igniting the silly season. Never mind the season is shortened, athletic budgets have been set on fire and players themselves have gotten that mulligan (an extra year of eligibility). Tanner couldn't keep Will Muschamp, who was fired Monday.

Muschamp had his shortcomings, sure, but is anyone safe now?

It may be time to reevaluate what looked like it would be a slow offseason for coaching changes. South Carolina is a middling SEC program. It will take at least $30 million commitment to pay off Muschamp and hire a new staff. How's that for belt tightening?

All of this happened just as we were set to update our Hot Seat Rankings. This is where we started with our annual offseason edition. Now we are taking a second look more than midway through this unique 2020 season.

Judging by South Carolina's actions, a mere pandemic won't keep schools from throwing good money after bad to get a new face in front of recruits. (Surprise, the beginning of the early signing period is a month from today!) It's always about recruiting. 

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Nearly one-fifth of the 130 FBS programs changed coaches (22) after the 2019 campaign, and most of them actually waited until the offseason to do it. A total of 67 coaches (52%) were rated 0 or 1 entering the 2020 season -- either "untouchable" or at least "safe and secure" in their roles. Check out the chart below.

The Hot Seat Rankings can be fickle: Nebraska's Scott Frost went from 0 to 5 and Texas' Tom Herman went from 1 to 4 ahead of the season. Such is the coaching life. They are far from alone, however, as there's always room on the Hot Seat.

Below is our ratings key. Here's how the 130 FBS coaches sorted out before the season began. There were 11 on the proverbial hot seat (rated 5 or 4) entering the season with another 12 starting to feel the heat (rated 3).

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Rating What it means Coaches


Win or be fired



Start improving now



Pressure is mounting



All good ... for now



Safe and secure





That leads us to our updated Hot Seat Rankings. Here's how things are shaking out more than two months into the season. Take a look below.

Heating up

Holding steady

Cooling off