Anybody who has paid attention to college football long enough knows the growing divide between the haves and have-nots in the sport. The Power Five conferences, through realignment and television money, have separated themselves further and further from the rest of the sport. Even within the Power Five, certain schools have been able to pull away to a tier all their own. But while we've long been aware of it at the top of the sport, we're also starting to see it at the bottom.

When I created my rating system, it was with meritocracy in mind. I wanted something that didn't care who you were, where you played, or what you'd done before. You would only be judged on what you did now. For the first decade of my ratings, we saw far more Power Five programs at the bottom closer to the cellar-dwellers than you'd ever find in other rankings, be they numbers-based or opinion-based. But that's changing.

Not only do I see fewer Power Five teams creeping into The Bottom 25, but there also seems to be a limit on how far most of them are capable of plummeting. Colorado hung at No. 1 until it finally won a game, but other than the Buffs, there's not much competition from the rest of the Power Five.

This week's Bottom 25 has four Power Five teams, which is a high number for 2022, but Colorado is the only one to crack the Bottom 10. Whether 2022 is an outlier season or the beginning of the end for Power Five teams in The Bottom 25 remains to be seen, but it's something I'll be keeping an eye on.

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No Longer Ranked: No. 25 UTEP, No. 23 Kent State, No. 18 Bowling Green, No. 16 Army