Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
C. Tyson G Cameron Tyson G 34 34 32.1 17.9 200 485 41.2 117 295 39.7 92 105 87.6
A. Schumacher G Alex Schumacher G 37 37 30.6 13.5 164 388 42.3 30 97 30.9 143 184 77.7
J. Christofilis G John Christofilis G 28 25 29.6 12.7 130 312 41.7 64 161 39.8 31 42 73.8
B. Chatfield F Brandton Chatfield F 37 37 23.5 9.4 140 233 60.1 9 33 27.3 59 87 67.8
K. Williamson F Kobe Williamson F 37 28 23.9 8.9 127 284 44.7 16 62 25.8 61 78 78.2
S. Reiley F Seyi Reiley F 37 9 19.9 5.2 63 106 59.4 0 1 0.0 66 108 61.1
P. Dawson G Paris Dawson G 36 7 23.5 5.1 59 161 36.6 27 90 30.0 37 50 74.0
B. Nunn G Brody Nunn G 4 0 11.3 4.3 7 13 53.8 3 6 50.0 0 0
V. Rajkovic F Viktor Rajkovic F 29 0 11.1 2.7 22 55 40.0 8 23 34.8 27 29 93.1
M. Gomma F Malek Gomma F 26 0 7.2 1.7 20 34 58.8 0 0 5 17 29.4
V. Pandza G Vasja Pandza G 37 8 12.1 1.4 18 53 34.0 5 30 16.7 9 21 42.9
M. Levis G Matthew Levis G 18 0 7.9 1.0 5 13 38.5 1 8 12.5 7 9 77.8
N. Fotopoulos G Niko Fotopoulos G 4 0 3 0.8 1 6 16.7 1 4 25.0 0 0
Team 37 73.8 956 2143 44.6 281 810 34.7 537 730 73.6
Opponents 37 66.8 871 2115 41.2 210 720 29.2 519 741 70.0

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
K. Williamson F Kobe Williamson F 37 28 51 160 211 5.7 33 0.90 53 1.40
S. Reiley F Seyi Reiley F 37 9 75 125 200 5.4 21 0.60 10 0.30
B. Chatfield F Brandton Chatfield F 37 37 86 114 200 5.4 15 0.40 30 0.80
C. Tyson G Cameron Tyson G 34 34 16 128 144 4.2 24 0.70 1 0.00
A. Schumacher G Alex Schumacher G 37 37 17 120 137 3.7 47 1.30 3 0.10
P. Dawson G Paris Dawson G 36 7 21 100 121 3.4 30 0.80 5 0.10
V. Rajkovic F Viktor Rajkovic F 29 0 22 45 67 2.3 7 0.20 0 0.00
J. Christofilis G John Christofilis G 28 25 9 54 63 2.3 14 0.50 1 0.00
V. Pandza G Vasja Pandza G 37 8 3 58 61 1.6 12 0.30 0 0.00
M. Gomma F Malek Gomma F 26 0 16 19 35 1.3 8 0.30 3 0.10
B. Nunn G Brody Nunn G 4 0 0 3 3 0.8 0 0.00 0 0.00
M. Levis G Matthew Levis G 18 0 2 12 14 0.8 4 0.20 0 0.00
N. Fotopoulos G Niko Fotopoulos G 4 0 1 0 1 0.3 0 0.00 0 0.00
Team 37 373 996 1481 40.0 215 5.80 106 2.90
Opponents 37 333 877 1310 35.4 239 6.50 117 3.20

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
A. Schumacher G Alex Schumacher G 37 37 187 5.1 107 2.9 1.7
P. Dawson G Paris Dawson G 36 7 78 2.2 46 1.3 1.7
C. Tyson G Cameron Tyson G 34 34 48 1.4 58 1.7 0.8
K. Williamson F Kobe Williamson F 37 28 43 1.2 48 1.3 0.9
V. Pandza G Vasja Pandza G 37 8 29 0.8 26 0.7 1.1
S. Reiley F Seyi Reiley F 37 9 26 0.7 42 1.1 0.6
M. Levis G Matthew Levis G 18 0 11 0.6 7 0.4 1.6
B. Nunn G Brody Nunn G 4 0 2 0.5 6 1.5 0.3
M. Gomma F Malek Gomma F 26 0 12 0.5 11 0.4 1.1
J. Christofilis G John Christofilis G 28 25 15 0.5 33 1.2 0.5
B. Chatfield F Brandton Chatfield F 37 37 20 0.5 46 1.2 0.4
V. Rajkovic F Viktor Rajkovic F 29 0 10 0.3 11 0.4 0.9
N. Fotopoulos G Niko Fotopoulos G 4 0 0 0.0 3 0.8 0.0
Team 37 481 13.0 471 12.7 1.0
Opponents 37 412 11.1 457 12.4 0.9
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