SpongeBob SquarePants did make an appearance during Maroon 5's Super Bowl halftime show,, introducing Travis Scott playing his song "Sicko Mode." Heading into the show, however, people were expecting a bit more than a wink and a nod, with many folks believing that Maroon 5 might be playing "Sweet Victory." Instead, it was a quick intro clip from the show before Scott made his appearance.

The Dallas Stars simply could not stand for this, and they decided to take matters into their own hands. The Stars' social media team gave us a glimpse of what "Sweet Victory" would have looked like.

If you're familiar with the original episode, it's pretty expertly done. The campy shots of fans cheering, the weird overhead view of the stadium, it's all true to the episode. Even though we didn't get it, there was a lot of talk about what it would look like if Maroon 5 did decide to pay tribute to "Spongebob" creator Stephen Hillenburg.

Maroon 5 surprised some people by playing a lot of their album "Songs About Jane," which was a pleasant surprise in and of itself. And even though we didn't get to see "Sweet Victory," at least the Stars gave us an idea of what it would look like at a live sporting event.