UPDATE: Rolling Stone's full article is out -- click here for the shocking details, including a report that Bill Belichick knew Aaron Hernandez feared for his own life at the 2013 NFL Combine.

Since being arrested in June, Aaron Hernandez has written several jailhouse letters and in one of those letters he insisted that he's a 'great dude.' If you have a hard time believing Hernandez is a 'great dude' you're going to have an even harder time after reading new evidence uncovered by Rolling Stone.
In what could turn out to be a bombshell article, the magazine will be publishing a cover story on Hernandez in its October issue. The magazine released a small preview of the story on Tuesday, a preview that will probably make you want to read the entire article.
Here are five revelations from the preview:
- Hernandez was a heavy user of angel dust (PCP), and had become so paranoid over the last year that he carried a gun wherever he went.
- He surrounded himself with a cohort of gangsters, and cut himself off from his family and teammates.
- Hernandez had so infuriated his head coach, Bill Belichick, with missed practices and thug-life stunts, that he was one misstep from being cut.
- Both his parents, Dennis and Terri, had criminal records, as did much of his extended family.
- Terri allegedly cheated on Dennis before his death with a violent drug dealer named Jeffrey Cummings, then married Cummings after Dennis died and moved him into the house she shared with Aaron.
Although Rolling Stone only promised five revelations, they delivered on a sixth one and the sixth one might be the most damning.
From Rolling Stone:
In college [Hernandez's] coach [then-University of Florida head coach Urban Meyer] may have helped cover up failed drug tests, along with two violent incidents -- an assault and a drive-by shootout outside a local bar.
Unlike the first five revelations though, the magazine doesn't seem as sure about the Meyer revelation, using the word 'MAY have helped' isn't exactly an indictment on Meyer, so it will be definitely be interesting to see what exactly the magazine found to make the connection that Meyer covered-up anything for Hernandez.
Rolling Stone hasn't announced a release date for the Hernandez issue, but it will be on newsstands sometime in September.
Hernandez, who's facing a first-degree murder charge in the death of Odin Lloyd, is due back in court for an arraignment on Sept. 6.
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